Are Sweet Potatoes Really Good for Diabetes?

Cooking Method

As mentioned, the manner in which the sweet potatoes are cooked can affect its glycemic index. Despite being popular, mashed sweet potatoes are not ideal for diabetes because they are digested faster. Thus, it increases the glycemic index of sweet potatoes, which can also possibly cause spikes in your blood sugar level. Just like fiber, fats can slow the rate of digestion. Thus, the best method of cooking sweet potatoes for diabetes is to sauté it in olive oil and with its skin on.


Caiapo is an extract of a Japanese grown sweet potato that is being sold as a treatment for diabetes in Japan. According to a study, patients with type 2 diabetes that were treated with the caiapo have seen a significant decrease in blood sugar levels. It also greatly improved their overall blood glucose control. The researchers also concluded that white sweet potatoes are good for those with diabetes.


diabetes and sweet potatoes