Do Lemons Really Help Diabetes?

Do Lemons Really Help Diabetes?

Lemon is actually included in the list of diabetes super foods due to the soluble fiber and the high amount of vitamin C in them. Both vitamin C and soluble fiber are beneficial to those who are suffering from diabetes. Furthermore, lemons have low glycemic index. In fact, some studies show that lemon may have lower glycemic index compared to other foods.

However, according to some research investigating the advantages of lemon for diabetics, the benefit is slim. A 2015 study shows that eating citrus fruits does not seem to lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Just like other citrus fruits, lemon contains flavonoids which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Yet, there is still insufficient research about these compounds and their ability to benefit diabetes.

Nutrients In Lemon that Can Benefit Diabetes

Below are the two nutrients in lemon that can  benefit diabetes patients.

  • Soluble fiber – a diet with high fiber known to reduce blood sugar, hence beneficial for diabetes patients. Soluble fiber also helps to lower the risk of heart diseases by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure level, while also controlling weight loss.
  • Vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant that can help to reduce free radicals in the body. Free radicals can damage membranes and body cells. Diabetes patients often have low Vitamin C so consuming lemon can help in this manner.

Despite the benefits of lemons, there are some consideration when it comes to increasing its intake. Over consumption can lead to adverse effects. (..continue to the next page to find out)


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