13 Home Remedies For Boils

5. Neem Oil

Neem oil comes from the evergreen tree in India and is created using the seeds and fruits of the tree. Neem oil is also known as the Indian Lilac. Neem oil is used in products such as ointments, lotion, bug repellent, and soap. It is also one of the best home remedies because it is an anti-microbial, antiseptic, and antibacterial which means it can be used to treat boils. Neem oil has toxic properties so it should never be ingested but it can be applied to your skin. Make sure your hands are thoroughly washed before and after handling neem oil. It has a strong odor and can be applied to your boil several times throughout the day.


6. Potatoes

Potatoes are a common food found in most kitchens and many do not know that potatoes contain antimicrobial and antibiotic properties. These properties make potatoes perfect for treating boils. The potatoes can be grated and the juice can be squeezed from it. The juice from the potato can be soaked into a cotton ball and the cotton ball can be placed over the boil for a couple of minutes for up to three times daily. After the cotton ball has been removed the area can be rinsed with water.