13 Home Remedies For Boils

3. Garlic

Garlic, just like onions, contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agents that contain sulfur. The sulfur releases these agents into the garlic. Garlic is perfect for the treatment of boils. In order to use garlic, you should collect at least three cloves which should be crushed and squeezed to release the liquid which should then be applied directly to the boil and allowed to dry. You do not have to rinse the garlic from the infected area as the garlic will continue to work after it is removed. It can be applied twice daily.


4. Onion

Onions have antimicrobial agents that contain sulfur, antioxidants, and flavonoids which help protect and heal your skin. These properties can aid in the treatment of boils. In order to use onions for treatment, they should be sliced and placed directly on the infected area and taped down with surgical tape. the onions can be held in place for several hours and repeated several times a day with fresh onion slices.