10 Signs and Symptoms of Bowel Blockage


4. Nausea

Another sign and symptom of bowel obstruction is nausea. Nausea is an unpleasant and uncomfortable sensation where there is an urge to vomit. Although nausea will not cause pain, this symptom can be debilitating as it can bring discomfort to the throat, chest, and abdomen.

Nausea is a non-specific symptom, which is also common in conditions like migraines, food poisoning, fainting, motion sickness, hypoglycemia, gastroenteritis, and more. This symptom can be relieved with medication. However, if the nausea is caused by a bowel obstruction, the patient should avoid taking any kind of medication without consulting a healthcare professional. Some medications for nausea may worsen bowel obstruction and will exacerbate the other symptoms.


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