10 Signs and Symptoms of Bowel Blockage


3. Constipation

Constipation is another common symptom of bowel obstruction. Constipation refers to hard or infrequent bowel movements, which results in hard and dry bowels. This symptom also comes with bloating and abdominal pain and may lead to anal fissure, hemorrhoids, and fecal impaction. Constipation can happen due to various reasons. Conditions like IBS, pelvic floor disorders, diabetes, Celiac disease, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, colon cancer, and more.

Patients who are suffering from constipation are required to eat lots of fiber, drink lots of fluids, and exercise regularly. Laxatives, such as osmotic agents, stool softener, and a bulk-forming agent may also help. However, if the constipation is due to bowel obstruction, the patient must seek medical attention to avoid further complications.
