How To Deal With Diabetic Foot Ulcer

About 15 percent of diabetes patients develop diabetic sores. Diabetic sores are also known as skin ulcers or diabetic foot ulcers, since they usually appear at the feet. However, they can develop anywhere in the lower body. Diabetic foot ulcer usually appear as a result of poor blood circulation and slow functioning of blood vessels. When left untreated, the ulcer can lead to serious infections. In worse cases, the infection can result in amputation of the affected area. Utmost care and attention are needed in order to help avoid any complications.


What Causes Diabetic Foot Ulcer?

Diabetes patients grapple with high blood sugar level. This problem can weaken the heart as well as the vascular system. Hence, leading to the poor blood circulation at the legs and feet. The skin on your legs and feet become weaken and susceptible to injuries. When these skin injuries happen, they result in ulcers.

What Triggers Diabetic Ulcer?

Tobacco use, alcohol, heart disease, obesity, as well as kidney disease, can all lead to the increase risk of diabetic ulcers. Poorly fitted shoes can also lead to the development of blisters at the sole and toes of the foot and can worsen very quickly. High blood sugar can also suppress the immune response of the body. Consequently, the blister wounds develop an infection which can lead to complications.


Preventative Measures For Diabetic Foot Ulcer

It is important for diabetes patients to check their legs and feet regularly to watch out for any developing ulcers. Early detection is critical and daily care is absolutely necessary. These ensure quick healing and to avoid any serious complications. Some preventive measures include:

  • Adhering to a diabetes skin care regime consisting of washing and moisturizing the feet regularly.
  • Keeping their leg and feet exposed to air as much as possible.
  • Changing new socks as often as possible can help to prevent the development of diabetic foot ulcer.
  • Using products that can help to cleanse the skin and prevent bacteria and fungal growth

Natural Remedies For Diabetes Foot Ulcer

Diabetes not only lead to diabetic ulcer, but it can also make it harder for the ulcers to heal. As a matter of fact, amputation of the feet and toes may be necessary if diabetic ulcers are left untreated.

When a wound start to develop, the affected area must be kept clean. Using natural salves can help to encourage the healing of the wound since they are safe and does not have any side effects.

Natural raw honey is a great remedy for diabetes foot ulcer. Researchers found that dressings and bandages soaked with natural honey can help to keep wounds clean, speed up the healing process and avoid amputations. Olive oil is also effective at improving the quality and speed of the healing without any side effects. Certain Chinese herb applications may also have positive effects on diabetic ulcers.

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