12 Signs and Symptoms of Dengue Fever


9. Bleeding from your gums or nose

Bleeding in the gums or nose is also a symptom of the much more severe hemorrhagic form of dengue. Acute gingival bleeding is a telling sign that one has been infected. Patients report up to 24 hours of persistent bleeding from the gums. However, bear in mind that unless the bleeding is persistent, nose bleeding may be misleading.

10. Difficult or rapid breathing

Having rapid or difficulty breathing is another symptom of dengue fever. If you have dengue fever you are likely to experience breathlessness. This can be attributed to pleural effusion, acute repository distress syndrome, pneumonia, metabolic acidosis and/or shock. Difficulty breathing is a sign of late stage dengue. With proper treatment patients can make a full recovery. However, some symptoms may persist after recovery.
