10 Signs and Symptoms of Strep Throat


3. Hard Swallowing

This is a result of a swollen throat. It becomes harder for the food and liquid to pass through your throat. It is recommended to eat softer foods or soups and juices at this time, to help the body continue to fight off the infection. Taking some cough drops and gargling warm salt water can grant some temporary relief to allow you to eat any other foods.

4. Lack of Appetite

Since the swollen throat makes everything so difficult, you lost your appetite. But you have to consume some nutrients to provide your body with the proper nutrients to fight the infection.

5. Coughing

One of the obvious symptoms that your throat is infected at this point. Coughing is almost inevitable and painful. When you cough, you are using your throat muscles and the forced air pushes through your swollen throat. This is one of the fastest ways to spread the bacteria. When you cough, you instinctively use your hands to cover your mouth. With your un-cleaned hands you touch other surfaces that are commonly used by other people and the bacteria attach themselves to the other hands.

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