10 Signs and Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome


10. Unconsciousness

Unconsciousness is the worse case scenario caused by a build up of serotonin levels. This is very dangerous and is putting the patient’s life at risk. The affected person should receive medical attention as fast as possible. Since the body has undergone so much stress from possible dehydration from hyperthermia, high blood pressure and high heart rate. In essence, the central nervous system has been slowed down so much that the person which is unconscious seems to be asleep. Being unconscious means reaction to stimuli is none and can last seconds to minutes. At this point receiving medical attention is urgent and without it one may die. Unconsciousness from serotonin build up can be seen in both pharmaceutical and illegal drug users. Often time they become unconscious from an overdose of an opioid, anti-depressant and illicit drugs. A drug to block the serotonin receptors can be administered to help the patient regain consciousness.


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