10 Signs and Symptoms of Internal Bleeding


 1. Headache

Headaches are usually a strong indicator of internal hemorrhaging. Headaches can indicate that the trauma is coming from your head or you may be possibly having brain bleeding. Internal hemorrhaging, or internal bleeding, in the head is very dangerous and can be a sign of a much more pressing problem such as an aneurysm or a blood clot. These conditions can result in death. If you are having headaches and suspect you might have internal hemorrhaging, you should consult a doctor or head to the hospital as soon as possible. A scan can be performed at the hospital and proper treatment will be given.

 2. Stiff neck

Having a stiff neck is a symptom of subarachnoid bleeding. This bleeding is found in the space between the brain and the surrounding membrane. The bleeding is often a result of a bulge in the blood vessel most commonly known as an aneurysm in your brain. If you do not act quickly, the likelihood of survival is slim.
