10 Signs and Symptoms Of Appendicitis

7. Nausea

Nausea will soon join the lower-right pain of a person with appendicitis and vomiting is the next alarming symptom. If all 3 of these symptoms present in a short period of time, like hours for example, as coupled with loss-of-appetite, this is likely appendicitis. Eventually, after these glaringly obvious symptoms take hold, the body immediately responds to this confluence-of-events by sending white blood cells to fight whatever inflammation is taking place. The body knows there are invaders, homeostasis is off-kilter and a problem is happening.

8. Cramps

There are additional symptoms, like cramps for example. This leading indicator can even be vomiting before the stomach pain even starts. It is all part of the same, evolving picture that an appendix has become inflamed. This is nothing to ignore and something that absolutely has to be paid attention to.


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