Nephropathy In Diabetes

Can Kidney Disease Be Prevented?

Since the circumstances of a patient would vary from one another, including their diabetes and their genetic background, there is no guarantee as to how nephropathy can be prevented. But there are certain things that people who have diabetes can do in order to minimize any chances of getting kidney damage. Here are some ways to protect your  kidneys:

  • Manage your diabetes and keep your blood sugar levels under control
  • Maintain a healthy blood pressure below 130/80 and take blood pressure prescription when necessary
  • Ensure that the medications you are on does not stress or hurt the kidneys. Discuss with your doctor on possible alternative drugs.
  • Do annual medical check ups to watch out for early signs of kidney damage
  • Watch out for urinary tract infections. UTI can spread to your kidneys. Get proper treatment when necessary.

If there is substantial damage in the kidneys, you may need to undergo a dialysis. This is the process of filtering your blood by means of a special machine in order to essentially clean the waste since the kidneys will no longer be working well. Kidney dialysis have to be ongoing indefinitely for it is a life sustaining procedure. Dialysis can only cease if a person finds a suitable donor and undergo kidney transplant.
