13 Home Remedies For Boils

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a disinfectant and can successfully restore your pH level as well as kill off bad bacteria on your skin, which makes it one of the best remedies for boils. For apple cider vinegar to help remove your boil, you must take a cotton pad or cotton ball and soak it in the apple cider vinegar. Then the cotton pad must be squeezed and then lightly placed on your boil for at least 10 minutes. This process can be repeated several times daily to help remove your boil.


8. Tridax Daisy

Tridax Daisy is a tropical native weed of India that can help heal. It is known also as coatbuttons. The plant is an anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial and the oil is produced from the flowers, leaves, and stems of the plant. To use Tridax Daisy, it should be diluted with oil like castor oil or any other similar oil. The mixture can be applied twice daily to the infected area. The boil should be healed within a few days.