According to studies, people who are in the pre-diabetic stage or cannot process blood sugar in the normal way are at high risk of suffering from poor memory or memory loss. Research has further shown that people suffering from diabetes could be at high risk to developing Alzheimer’s disease, as compared to those who are not suffering from the chronic metabolic disease.
New research has shown however that people who are suffering from both diabetes and Alzheimer’s will have memory loss at a much slower rate than those people who are only suffering from Alzheimer’s alone. Another study showed similar findings. In another study, experts observed almost 608 people who suffered from mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease for more than four years. These people’s thinking and reasoning abilities have also been tested and 63 of them have been diagnosed with diabetes.
Before the study was conducted, those with and without diabetes have secured the same scores in several cognition tests. In more than a period of six months, researchers observed that the rate of the cell damage in those with diabetes and Alzheimer’s was less than those who only suffer from Alzheimer’s, yet the reason for this remains unclear.