
Sugar Substitutes: Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of the coconut palm. The sap is boiled to obtain a thick syrup which is dried and grounded into a powder with caramel-like essence. Substituting refined sugars with coconut sugar can benefit in diabetes control and preventing weight gain. It has a low glycemic index of 35, due to the presence of a fiber Inulin which retards the release of glucose into the blood, thereby preventing sudden rises in blood sugar levels. The sugar is also loaded with the nutrients of coconut like iron, zinc, calcium and potassium. However, despite a healthy glycemic index, coconut sugar has equivalent amount of calories as refined sugar and should be taken in moderation.

Sugar Substitutes: Maple Syrup

As is evident from its name, maple syrup is made from the sap of the maple trees, which is boiled down to get a thick, sugary liquid. Unlike refined sugar which only provides empty calories, maple syrup is contains essential minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous and antioxidants which prevent damages caused by free radical. However, a mere tablespoon of maple syrup contains 52 calories and 13.5 grams of cabohydrates and has to be taken with moderation. To get the maximum goodness of maple syrup, go for the darker grade B variety instead of the lighter grade A variety commonly used for pancakes. Maple sugar is also a good alternative for refined sugar.

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