Pre-mixed Insulin Increases Hypoglycemia Risk

It is also important to keep track on your body especially when it comes to hypoglycemia symptoms such as shaking, sweating, dizziness and irritability. Check your glucose count right away and if it is below the normal blood sugar levels, you should eat more carbohydrates to fill in the lost glucose in your body. After that, check your glucose levels and if it reached the normal levels, take a proper meal. The other effect of missing your meal or pre-mixed insulin is that when you forget one meal and the intake, you would also lose the ongoing effect of the first insulin intake you had. Skipping or missing it could also endanger your glucose levels triggering it to rise and an increased A1c.

If you want to have a more flexible option when it comes to insulin necessities, a multi-dose injected insulin treatment every meal and before bed can be discussed with your own health care provider. It has more injection regimen in a day, but can give more flexibility. The only way to find out what would work well for you is to have a consistent glucose level check-up and letting your doctor decide for it.

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