Why is Fish Worse than Red Meat?

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A review was ordered by the U.S. Government where the compiled evidence indicated that fish intake could increase risk of type 2 diabetes by increasing blood sugar levels. This happens in diabetics when they consume fish oil because the omega-3 fatty acids present in it could lead to oxidative stress. A current study stated that eating two or more servings of fish per week hampers the functionality of insulin producing cells in the pancreas.

Could There be Another Reason?

Another possibility could be that it is caused by pollutants building up inside the fish! Millions of gallons of Agent Orange were sprayed in Vietnam that contained trace amounts of dioxins. Apart from the Vietnamese who were affected, the servicemen spraying it over the countryside were exposed to it too! These organic pollutants are usually man-made industrial chemicals and possibly the most hazardous as they contain PCBs, and certain chlorine-containing pesticides. Veterans exposed to Agent Orange showed a greater risk of being diabetic than those left unexposed.

Even though the exact relationship between fish intake and diabetes is yet to be determined, a large amount of data and information shows that points as discussed above impact metabolic diseases like diabetes. The overwhelming evidence is too staggering to ignore.

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