Best Types of Fishes for Diabetes

Fish is a good source of protein and healthy fats, both essential in a diabetes diet. Some fishes are filled with Omega 3 that helps to keep your heart healthy. Do you know which fishes are great for your diabetes? Read on to find out.



Salmon is a great source of protein. Furthermore, it is rich in vitamins and minerals and a good source of healthy fat. The best part of all, salmon can taste really good. You can include some vegetables and herbs and bake it in your oven. Salmon should be safe for diabetics to consume so you can include it in your diabetes diet.


Another fish that’s high in protein but low in fat is tilapia. It is also easy to source since it is being sold fresh and frozen. They are also easy to prepare and you can make several diabetic-friendly recipe with this fish. Tilapia fillets are usually thin so they can be cooked very easily. A healthy way of cooking tilapia is to use a non-stick pan with a little oil spray. Add some white wine or stock to make it more flavorful.



Just like tilapia, cod is a type of white fish. It has a slightly firmer fillet texture, and can therefore withstand aggressive cooking. You can prepare several different kinds of recipes with it. The thicker the fillet, the easier it is for you to flip them over halfway through your cooking. You can consider marinating the cod before you start cooking. This can add taste and flavor to the fish. However, pay close attention when using store-bought marinades. They might have high sugar or salt in them which is not safe for diabetics.


Trout is another fish that’s rich in Omega 3. You can bake or boil the trout and add non-salt seasoning. You can also season it with citrus juice. The challenge that some people face when it comes to cooking fish is that they tend to over salt it. But each variety of fish has a unique flavor. Therefore, it should not be that difficult to cook a salt-free dish with it.

Aside from the fishes mentioned, you can also include shrimp in your diabetic diet. However, since shrimp is filled with high cholesterol, some diabetics tend to avoid it. Consuming a healthy amount of shrimp at least once a week should be fine. It will not hurt your diabetes diet at all even if you are trying to avoid fats.

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