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Sometimes a single research study isn’t enough to justify facts, which is why we need meta-analysis, which means combining some of the best and most lucrative studies conducted till date to check out what the overall evidence shows us.
Since there were six separate studies published, it definitely throws a lot of weight on the effect of fish intake when it comes to increasing risks of type 2 diabetes. Looking at the publications, we can’t ignore the blatant fact that fish consumers in the U.S. have shown a greater tendency towards the condition than those who don’t eat fish. In Europe fish lovers projected 38% chances of the onset of diabetes. If we consider it on a per serving basis, it shows a 5% increase in risk for every serving of fish one has per week. So keeping that in mind one serving of fish each day is a whopping 35% increase in risk! One serving of red meat per day is generally associated with an increased risk of 19%, almost half that of fish.
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