How Paleo Diet Help Diabetes

Now lets go more in depth. Paleo diet helps diabetes because it contains:

Complex Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates is a basic source of energy for our bodies. However, the kind and amount of carbohydrates that one may eat influences blood glucose levels in a big way.

Paleo diet which focus on natural food does not advocate eating processed carbs such as bread, noodles and white rice. Hence, to meet their carbohydrates needs, those on a paleo diet eat whole grains which are unprocessed and retain carbohydrates in its natural complex form.

Complex Carbohydrates help diabetics because they come with a low glycemic index that leads to a steady rise in blood glucose levels, and do not demand any external need for insulin. By switching to a Paleo diet, one takes in more complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic burden. The recommended amount per day for a diabetic ranges between 40 grams and 65 grams per day.

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