Study #1
There were 500+ patients involved in the study, who had type-2 diabetes, rounded up by researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in Doha, Qatar. Each participant was instructed to maintain a sleep diary in order to compute their weekday "sleep debt". Right at the start, it was found that patients with weekday sleep debt were 72% more inclined towards obesity as compared to those who had no debt. According to a 12-month follow up, it was calculated that for every 30 minutes of weekday sleep debt, the risks of obesity and insulin resistance shot up by 17% and 39% respectively. This study was also, in effect, a follow-up of earlier ones that proved how obesity and diabetes is directly related to short sleep duration.

Poor Sleep Habits
Since work pressure, personal commitments, etc. don’t let us sleep much during weekdays, a lot of sleep debt piles up, which we try to make up on weekends. Lead study author Prof. Shahrad Taheri concurs that sleep loss is a form of addiction and results in massive metabolic issues. The findings from the research show that canceling sleep debts can help to shed excess weight and improve metabolism and enjoying healthy sleep patterns as a part of your lifestyle could have a myriad of benefits.

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