
Avoid Alcohol

Bipolar patients frequently use alcohol as a self-medication to treat their erractic mood disorders. However, what they do no know is that alcohol can worsen their condition in various ways. Alcohol affects mood in an unpredictable manner. It gives less control of emotions and situational response which often result in undesired situations. In addition, alcohol is a depressant. While some bipolar patients may use alcohol to neutralise their mania or calm themselves, it is often the trigger of their depression episode. Furthermore, alcohol could also impede the absorption of certain bipolar medications.

Tip: Say 'NO' to alcohol

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About The Author
Rachel is one of the editors for Arditor. She has a great story as she is a qualified writer that has immense experience in writing health related articles and she is a Type 2 diabetes patient. She struggled with diabetes for close to 10 years before managing to control her diabetes. She has since become an inspiration to many others.
Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical treatment or diagnosis. Please consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before trying out any advice discussed within this website.