Amyloid plaques observed in both diseases

Amyloid plagues are protein deposits which are observed in the the brain of Alzheimer's patients. The amyloid plaques are speculated to have harmed the brain and causing the cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer's. Much to researchers surprise, these amyloid plagues are also found in the brain of diabetes patients!

Although, amyloid plagues are no stranger in diabetes, it is more commonly found in the pancreas and is a sign of beta cell dysfunction. The beta cells in the pancreas is respnsible for insulin secretion to regulate blood sugar levels. While producing insulin, the hormone also produces amyloid polypeptide, to control the production of insulin concurrently, which later accumulates in the pancreatic islets.

When a plague of amyloid polypeptide is observed in the pancreas, it indicates a malfuntion of the beta cells and excessive secretion of both insulin and amyloid polypeptide likely triggered by insulin resisitance.

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