
Are you feeling sad or depressed recently? Take this depression test to see how serious it is.

Depressed and Sad are two words that are often used interchangeably in linguistics. However, in medical and psychological terms, these two words mean very differently. While sadness is merely a common negative emotion, depression is a chronic mental dysfunction which requires medical attention. It is important to differentiate the two syndromes as the latter is detrimental to both your mental and physical health.

Here are the 8 simple questions to ask yourself...

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About The Author
Suzanne is one of the editors for Arditor. She is a retired medical professional who specialized in diabetes for 25 years. She has an immense experience in caring for Type 2 diabetes patient and helping them manage their condition. Since retirement, she continues to contribute to the medical field by putting her knowledge and experience in writing, while enjoying her golden years.
Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical treatment or diagnosis. Please consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before trying out any advice discussed within this website.