10 Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Infection


Kidney infection refers to a type of urinary tract infection known as pyelonephritis. This infection usually originates from the opening of the bladder or urethra and travels through to the kidneys. This is a serious medical condition that often needs urgent medical attention as it may lead to permanent organ failure and other life-threatening adverse effects.

Kidney infection can be diagnosed by different laboratory examinations such as urinalysis and observing its major symptoms. Early detection of kidney infection is critical to prevent lifelong organ damage. Here are 10 common signs and symptoms of kidney infection.

1. Fever, Chills, and Rigor

Like any other disease or infection, when the body detects an unusual activity or a foreign object, the natural response or reaction is to combat it immediately. This reaction will lead to an increase in body temperature.

An increase in body temperature can lead to fever. In most cases, fever is accompanied by chills and muscle pains. Some cases of kidney infections do not display fever as a symptom. However, a temperature that is more than 103 °F or 39.4 °C may indicate that the kidney infection is already severe and immediate medical attention is required. It is always important to monitor your temperature to prevent further complications.
