How Does Magnesium Deficiency Affect Diabetes?

Cardiovascular problems
Magnesium prevents blood clots by preventing blood platelets from adhering to each other. This is a key role it plays in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Low magnesium levels are also considered to be the reason for abnormal or irregular heart rhythms. The metabolic changes that magnesium brings about can enhance one's risk for stroke or heart attacks. It is also involved in breaking down fatty acids, leading to a deficiency that can lead to enhanced triglyceride levels.

Deficiency in magnesium can also expedite the progression of the deterioration of vision, causing diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic neuropathy
When messages can be sent normally from the nerves to the muscles and organs, magnesium levels are said to be normal. But when this is not possible, a lack of magnesium is attributed as a reason, causing neuropathy.

Hence by maintaining normal levels of magnesium, diabetes can be prevented.

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