Insulin resistance found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients

Insulin is very important for glucose uptake by all body cells, including those in the brain. Brain cells require insulin to turn glucose into energy for brain activities and proper cognitive function such as memory. According to experts, it was found that the brain of Alzheimer’s patients also show evidence of similar insulin resistance as diabetes which scientist believe could have cause brain cells to be undernourished. The prolong lack of glucose uptake in brain cells could have resulted in the degeneration of the brain, hence Alzheimer's.

Another observation linking Alzheimer's to insulin and diabetes is the low levels of a certain gene found in Alzheimer's patients during the early stages of the disease. The lacking gene is responsible for producing insulin and facilitate its growth and activity. Due to this, researchers feel that Alzheimer’s disease is another form of diabetes mellitus that affects the brain selectively.

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