DDP-4 Inhibitors

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Also called Alogliptins, DPP-4 Inhibitors belong to a class of oral hypoglycemics that work by blocking the action of the enzyme DPP-4, which works to destroy Incretin or specifically, GLP-1. Incretins work to produce more insulin when needed and lower glucose levels manufactured by the liver when not needed.

DDP-4 inhibitors increase incretin levels which prevent the release of glucagon, which in turn increases the secretion of insulin, reduces gastric emptying and blood glucose levels. These hormones are released through the day and levels are raised at meal times.

DDP-4 inhibitors are considered good medication for Type 2 diabetes. They can be found in 3 specific medications:

  • Nesina: tablets containing only alogliptin

  • Kazano tablets containing alogliptin and metformin hydrochloride

  • Oseni: tablets containing alogliptin and pioglitazone tablets
    (Precaution - Not suited for patients with history of heart problems or failures)

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